The Serpent On The Pole

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Greeting my friends, grace, and peace to you in the name of the Father and The Son and the Holy Spirit. I consider it

an honor and a privilege that God has allowed me to share with you concerning the stubbornness because of sin’s influence in

our lives. Thank You, Lord Lead me and guide me that I may stay focused and express your word to your people in which I am also one.

Thank You In Jesus name Amen.

According to numbers 21:8,9 the people made a lot of complaints against Moses and God.  As a result, God sent fiery serpents among

the people. Many of them were bit by the serpents and many of them died. The people cried out to Moses and informed him that they had sinned

against God. They asked Moses to Go to God on their behalf. God instructed Moses to erect a serpent on a pole and place it into the middle of the camp,

And anyone who gets bit by a serpent all that person has to do is look at the serpent on the pole and they will live. The people were so stubborn they wouldn’t even

look at the serpent on the pole to save their life. God provided them with a way to save their lives and many of them wouldn’t take it. They couldn’t believe it.

Jesus spoke of this with Nicodemus. The problem of disbelief. Jesus told Nicodemus, you must be born again. Nicodemus asked Jesus How can a man be born again once

he is old. Can a man go back into his mother’s womb?  Jesus explained to him that his thinking is all messed up. It is difficult for him to understand because he doesn’t

understand natural things, how can he understand spiritual things. Jesus explained to Him that he needed to be born again spiritually. Flesh gives birth to flesh and Spirit gives birth to spirit.

Jesus went on to tell him just how to get born again. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life.

Just like people wouldn’t look at the serpent, they won’t believe that God sent His Son to die for their sin. Jesus said, “And if I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all

men unto me “( John 12:32). There comes a time in life when we have to use the ability God gave each of us to reason. We must use our ability to reason and trust God, and not ourselves.

There shall be no salvation apart from the cross. You must come to Jesus.  People are going to be stubborn and resist, they can’t help it, because of the evil influence of sin in their lives.

Gods’ word is so powerful that it will not come back void. Don’t be discouraged you serve the awesome, Living God. Thank you, my friends. Thank You Jesus Amen.

My friends If this message has helped you understand your need for salvation Let me know, Blog me. Do you agree with the text? let me know too Blog me. Amen.

What is your opinion concerning the matter?

Rev. Reginald Stevens

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