Daily Devotion

                       January 24 God’s Overpowering Purpose “I have appeared to you for this purpose …” (Acts 26:16). The vision Paul had on the road to Damascus was not a passing emotional experience, but a vision that had very clear and emphatic directions for him. And Paul stated, “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision” […]

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Daily Devotion

             January 23 Transformed by Beholding “We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image …” (2 Corinthians 3:18). The greatest characteristic a Christian can exhibit is this completely unveiled openness before God, which allows that person’s life to become a mirror […]

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Daily Devotion

                      January 22 Am I Looking to God? “Look to Me, and be saved …” (Isaiah 45:22). Do we expect God to come to us with His blessings and save us? He says, “Look to Me, and be saved … .” The greatest difficulty spiritually is to concentrate on God, and His blessings are what […]

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Daily Devotion

                    January 21 Recall What God Remembers “Thus says the Lord: ‘I remember … the kindness of your youth …’ ” (Jeremiah 2:2). Am I as spontaneously kind to God as I used to be, or am I only expecting God to be kind to me? Does everything in my life fill His heart with […]

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