Daily Devotion

March 15 The Discipline of Dismay “As they followed they were afraid” (Mark 10:32). At the beginning of our life with Jesus Christ, we were sure we knew all there was to know about following Him. It was a delight to forsake everything else and to throw ourselves before Him in a fearless statement of […]

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Daily Devotion

March 13 God’s Total Surrender to Us “For God so loved the world that He gave …” (John 3:16). Salvation does not mean merely deliverance from sin or the experience of personal holiness. The salvation which comes from God means being completely delivered from myself, and being placed into perfect union with Him. When I […]

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Daily Devotion

March 12 Total Surrender “Peter began to say to Him, ‘See, we have left all and followed You’ ” (Mark 10:28). Our Lord replies to this statement of Peter by saying that this surrender is “for My sake and the gospel’s” (10:29). It was not for the purpose of what the disciples themselves would get […]

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Daily Devotion

March 11 Obedience to the “Heavenly Vision” “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision” (Acts 26:19). If we lose “the heavenly vision” God has given us, we alone are responsible—not God. We lose the vision because of our own lack of spiritual growth. If we do not apply our beliefs about God to the […]

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Daily Devotion

March 10 Being an Example of His Message “Preach the word!” (2 Timothy 4:2). We are not saved only to be instruments for God, but to be His sons and daughters. He does not turn us into spiritual agents but into spiritual messengers, and the message must be a part of us. The Son of […]

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Daily Devotion

March 9 Turning Back or Walking with Jesus? “Do you also want to go away?” (John 6:67). What a penetrating question! Our Lord’s words often hit home for us when He speaks in the simplest way. In spite of the fact that we know who Jesus is, He asks, “Do you also want to go […]

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Daily Devotion

March 8 The Surrendered Life “I have been crucified with Christ …” (Galatians 2:20). To become one with Jesus Christ, a person must be willing not only to give up sin, but also to surrender his whole way of looking at things. Being born again by the Spirit of God means that we must first […]

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Daily Devotion

March 7 The Source of Abundant Joy “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Paul was speaking here of the things that might seem likely to separate a saint from the love of God. But the remarkable thing is that nothing can come between the love of […]

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