Daily Devotion

  June 5                                              God’s Assurance “He Himself has said … . So we may boldly say …” (Hebrews 13:5–6). My assurance is to be built upon God’s assurance to me. God says, “I will never leave you,” so that then I “may boldly say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear’ ” […]

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Daily Devotion

  June 4 The Never-forsaking God “He Himself has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you’ ” (Hebrews 13:5). What line of thinking do my thoughts take? Do I turn to what God says or to my own fears? Am I simply repeating what God says, or am I learning to truly hear […]

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Daily Devotion

June 3 “The Secret of the Lord” “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him …” (Psalm 25:14). What is the sign of a friend? Is it that he tells you his secret sorrows? No, it is that he tells you his secret joys. Many people will confide their secret sorrows to […]

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Daily Devotion

                      June 2                            Are You Obsessed by Something? “Who is the man that fears the Lord?” (Psalm 25:12). Are you obsessed by something? You will probably say, “No, by nothing,” but all of us are obsessed by something—usually by ourselves, or, if we are Christians, by our own experience of the Christian life. But […]

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Daily Devotion

     June 1 The Staggering Question “He said to me, ‘Son of man, can these bones live?’ ” (Ezekiel 37:3). Can a sinner be turned into a saint? Can a twisted life be made right? There is only one appropriate answer—“O Lord God, You know” (37:3). Never forge ahead with your religious common sense and […]

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Daily Devotion

May 31 Put God First “Jesus did not commit Himself to them … for He knew what was in man” (John 2:24–25). Put Trust in God First. Our Lord never put His trust in any person. Yet He was never suspicious, never bitter, and never lost hope for anyone, because He put His trust in […]

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Daily Devotion

   May 30 “Yes—But …!” “Lord, I will follow You, but …” (Luke 9:61). Suppose God tells you to do something that is an enormous test of your common sense, totally going against it. What will you do? Will you hold back? If you get into the habit of doing something physically, you will do […]

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Daily Devotion

                       May 29 Untroubled Relationship “In that day you will ask in My name … for the Father Himself loves you …” (John 16:26–27). “In that day you will ask in My name …,” that is, in My nature. Not—“You will use My name as some magic word,” but—“You will be so intimate with […]

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Daily Devotion

   May 28     Unquestioned Revelation “In that day you will ask Me nothing” (John 16:23). When is “that day”? It is when the ascended Lord makes you one with the Father. “In that day” you will be one with the Father just as Jesus is, and He said, “In that day you will ask […]

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Daily Devotion

                              May 27 The Life To Know Him “… tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). The disciples had to tarry, staying in Jerusalem until the day of Pentecost, not only for their own preparation but because they had to wait until the Lord […]

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