Daily Devotion

December 6 “My Rainbow in the Cloud” “I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth” (Genesis 9:13). It is the will of God that human beings should get into a right-standing relationship with Him, and His covenants are designed for this […]

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Daily Devotion

December 5 “The Temple of the Holy Spirit” “ … only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you” (Genesis 41:40). I am accountable to God for the way I control my body under His authority. Paul said he did not “set aside the grace of God”—make it ineffective (Galatians 2:21). The […]

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Daily Devotion

December 4 The Law of Opposition “To him who overcomes …” (Revelation 2:7). Life without war is impossible in the natural or the supernatural realm. It is a fact that there is a continuing struggle in the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual areas of life. Health is the balance between the physical parts of my […]

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Daily Devotion

December 3 “Not by Might nor by Power” “My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power …” (1 Corinthians 2:4). If in preaching the gospel you substitute your knowledge of the way of salvation for confidence in the power of the […]

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Daily Devotion

v December 2 Christian Perfection “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfect … ” (Philippians 3:12). It is a trap to presume that God wants to make us perfect specimens of what He can do—God’s purpose is to make us one with Himself. The emphasis of holiness movements tends to be that […]

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Daily Devotion

  December 1 The Law and the Gospel “Whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all” (James 2:10). The moral law does not consider our weaknesses as human beings; in fact, it does not take into account our heredity or infirmities. It simply demands that we […]

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Daily Devotion

November 29 The Supremacy of Jesus Christ “He will glorify Me …” (John 16:14). The holiness movements of today have none of the rugged reality of the New Testament about them. There is nothing about them that needs the death of Jesus Christ. All that is required is a pious atmosphere, prayer, and devotion. This […]

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Daily Devotion

November 28 The Riches of the Destitute “… being justified freely by His grace …” (Romans 3:24). The gospel of the grace of God awakens an intense longing in human souls and an equally intense resentment, because the truth that it reveals is not palatable or easy to swallow. There is a certain pride in […]

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Daily Devotion

November 27 The Consecration of Spiritual Power “… by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14). If I dwell on the Cross of Christ, I do not simply become inwardly devout and solely interested in my own holiness—I become strongly focused on Jesus Christ’s interests. Our Lord […]

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