Power Of The Cross

 The Power Of The Cross

April 19, 2018

Greeting friends grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to share with you God’s word concerning the power of the cross in our lives. I pray that God opens your heart and your mind so that you may increase your understanding and be an even more blessing to others. If anyone is reading that don’t know Christ, Lord I pray that you open their eyes of understanding enabling them to see and seek to be saved by Jesus Christ. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus Name Amen.



The Creator of the universe has looked at the hopeless position we placed our selves in. With no way to redeem ourselves from the destruction, and retribution to come. In our own wisdom, we have placed our selves in peril, with no escape. God has made us who think we are wise to be fooled. God in His great wisdom and mercy has provided a way to save us from the pending doom. God has given us a message of salvation through the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. This message is foolish to those who refuse to listen, The message requires us to place our trust in God, instead of ourselves. Those of us who are saved, know that this message is the power of God unto salvation (1Cor 1:18).

There is no difference between the Jew or the Gentile, every person in the world is a sinner, no one will escape God’s righteous judgment,  But God through  His great love has from heaven revealed His righteousness in Jesus Christ. Being witnessed by the law, Jesus lived His life before God and men in perfect obedience to the law. Jesus provides redemption to everyone who by faith. believe in Him. Because of His perfect obedience to the written code, He became the law and was nailed to the cross making it of no effect by raising from the dead. God set forth Jesus Christ to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, for the remission of sin (1Corth 1:25). God approved Jesus Sacrifice as well pleasing and satisfying His Holiness, the righteous demand of the law.

There were so many people claiming to be the Messiah when Jesus was here on earth. That is one of the reasons the Jews asked for a sign to prove He is the Son of God. Jesus performed many signs and miracles, that only God could do. However, the signs and wonders could not and did not provide salvation for the Jewish people (Matt 12:38). The Jewish people did not believe that the Messiah would allow himself to be crucified on a cross. The cross became a stumbling block to the Jews.  The Jewish people saw the cross of Christ as a scandal due to Deut  21:23 which states that cursed is anyone that’s hanged on a tree.

The cross was foolishness to the Gentiles, this is their thinking; God wouldn’t allow his Son to be crucified on a cross, That’s foolish. Why would God do that? That doesn’t make sense. The gentiles looked for wisdom, the way of the cross was to simple to believe. They tried to fit the cross into their framework of knowledge. It couldn’t be done, the cross wouldn’t fit. So they called it foolish (1Cor 1:23). Many of the mighty acts of God seem foolish.

God often uses things that seem weak, David and his sling against Goliath. Who would think that David would be successful fighting a mighty warrior such as Goliath with a sling? Jesus gave sight to the blind with spit mixed with dirt. By the use of little things, God proves that He is the master of the universe.   Make no mistake about it, only God can do what was done through the use of what we consider to be weak things.

To the Christian, The cross is the power of God unto salvation. The cross is God’s way of providing salvation and life to a world that is destined for His retribution, and death and hell and suffering. Human nature often devises its own way of salvation, through the wisdom of the world. God has made those who think they are wise to be fooled, through the foolishness of the cross of Christ. Only by faith in Jesus Christ and the work that He did on the cross can a person be saved Jew or Gentile, there is no difference for all has sinned (Rom 3:23), and everyone has to be saved the same way.

My friends don’t be foolish, no one can stand against the power of a holy God. Place your trust in God He loves you. God wants to save you, but He won’t force you to come. All you have to do is believe that Jesus is the Son of God, believe that He died on the cross for your sin, and believe that God raised Him from the dead and that He is alive right now sitting at the right hand of God. Thank you for taking the time to listen to Gods word. If you have decided to receive salvation from the Lord and you don’t know what to do, contact me, allow me to help you. Thank you, Lord, for giving me the opportunity to share your word concerning the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Amen. To my brothers and sisters, I hope that you were blessed and encouraged by this message. If so let me know, blog my post. 

God bless You, love always

Rev. Reginald Stevens


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