A Day To Remember

April 20, 2018

A Day To Remember

Greetings brothers and sisters, and friends. Grace and peace to you in the name of God the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to share with you from His word. lord God, I ask that you be with me as I delineate your word. Lord, I ask that you direct me and Guide me. Help me to say what is needed to reach those who don’t believe, and help me to encourage those who do. It’s in Jesus name I pray Amen.


Memorial Day is a day that is set aside for us to remember those who we owe so much. There are so many people that have sacrificed so much for us, that we should have a day to remember. A great multitude of people that sacrificed for us is not here with us anymore. However, we love them and we miss them so we celebrate the time God has allowed us to know them.  If we compared the number of people that we know, too, the total number of people that is remembered and honored we realize that we only knew a few. But we owe all of them this day of honor and appreciation for their sacrifice.

For at just the right time, we were still powerless,£ Christ died for the ungodly. For it is rare for anyone to die for a righteous person, though somebody might be brave enough to die for a good person. But God demonstrates his love for us by the fact that Christ died for us while we were still sinners(Romans 5:6-8).

On a memorial day, we remember those who risked or given their lives for us. We remember our mothers because we know or should know that every time a woman gives birth she risk her life because she could die in giving childbirth. Therefore we Love and remember our mothers for risking their lives and the many other sacrifices they make on our behalf. We remember police officers who we see as being corrupt in which there are a few. But there are those who do their Jobs and put their lives at risk to protect us. Then we have the firefighters who don’t really get paid enough for the work they do, placing their lives at risk in the fire to protect our lives and property. How can we not remember them? We remember those who are in the military who risk their lives to protect us in time of war. Many come home and we should show our appreciation for them, and many don’t come home and they gave their lives to protect us and we should thank God for them all.

We need to remember those who lost their lives for us. Many of them died in places that are far away from home. places that have names we can’t even pronounce. Some of them suffered pain from injury and some from torture before their death. Their families grieve for the great loss of a loved one. Parents whose sons did not return. Kids whose fathers didn’t return, women who became widows and single parents. They deserve our gratitude because they also paid an enormous price. Freedom always comes at a high price, we must honor such a sacrifice.

We need to remember one who gave His life for us all. When our loved ones went off to war they didn’t go off to give their lives. They believed and hope to return home after the war. Although many didn’t return never the less this was their objective, to come home to their families. Jesus knew that He came to earth to die for us. He expressed it many times.  “Thou say that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice”(John 18:37). Jesus expressed that to die for us is why He was born. We hope that the men and women who died knew that we appreciate their sacrifice. They died for their families and friends, not for their enemies. Jesus knew that there were those who wouldn’t be grateful for His sacrifice and yet He died for us while we were His enemies. Jesus death was unique, only His death would be well pleasing to God as payment for the sins of the world.

It is appropriate that every year we remember and honor our countrymen who made and is still making enormous sacrifices for us. It is also appropriate to take one day a week to honor the one who gave His life for the sins of the world. Freedom has never come cheap. That’s true of political freedom, spiritual freedom, and economic freedom. Freedom should never be taken for granted, Freedom must never be taken lightly. President FDR, made famous the four freedoms: freedom from want, freedom from fear, freedom of speech, and freedom of worship. There is a fifth freedom that is more important than all the rest. That is freedom from sin. You can only get this freedom from Jesus Christ. That if you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). 

Friends thank you for taking the time to read this message. If you know the Lord as it pertains to your salvation I hope that you have been encouraged, let me know post a blog. If you have not made the decision to trust Jesus and there is something that you don’t understand that is preventing you from receiving forgiveness for sin and the gift of eternal life please contact me, let me know, allow me to help you understand. Contact me Blog my post.

God Bless You

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Rev. Reginald Stevens
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