Death For Life

Greetings my friends, grace, and peace to you in the name of God our Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. May God continue blessing you and strengthening and supplying you with all you need so that you may live before Him in a way that He may be glorified by your life. Lord bless me as I share your word with my brothers and sisters so that they will be equipped with more knowledge and understanding of the work you have prepared for us to do. Thank You, Lord, In Jesus name, Amen.

My Friends, when it comes to the subject of death we become uncomfortable, it is a subject that we try to avoid. We sort of dance all around the subject and it is seldom that we really address it head-on. Death is our enemy, it is a disease that attacks all life on this planet, caused by one sin, No one is immune. This enemy looks for any and every opportunity to attack you. It does not discriminate. The end result of nearly every other disease is death. Many diseases can be treated and many can be cured, stopping death from overtaking a person using it as a vehicle. However, death is a monster that we released upon ourselves. Deaths’ goal is to separate us from God and to render our bodies incapable of sustaining our souls thereby it separates us from our bodies. It will not stop until it has accomplished what it set out to do. It does not matter who you are you will come face to face with this monster. Being separated from your body yes it is bad, but it is not the end of it all. It is being separated from God for all eternity with no possibility of reconciliation, that is eternal death, that is the end of it all, and much much more.  If you allow death to overtake you before you come to Jesus then it is over, you have no hope. The good news is, God in His great love and out of His infinite wisdom provided us with a cure, God is the only one who is able to provide a cure and this He has done.

My Friends nothing can rightly be compared to the love and mercy God has extended to us. The only cure God has provided for the World is the death of His Son. John recorded what Jesus said “ God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that who so ever believe in Him shall have everlasting life ( John 3: 16). Jesus refers g to Himself said “ I Am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to my Father except by me (John 14: 6). Life is the only cure for death. Jesus is the life, not because He contains life but He is the very source thereof. You can only receive life by way of Jesus. He cannot be bypassed up. You can not go around Him. He is the source of all truth, when you come to Him you must come in truth, you must face the truth, the truth can not be hidden from Him. This is a very serious matter, your very life depends on Jesus in every way.

One day this great God saw an evil power that was going to manifest itself and wage an assault upon His creation. The assault would have a devastating effect upon creation in its entirety. However, this great God whose wisdom is infinite in nature made a plan that would restore His creation to its original form. In antiquity kings would send their sons on missions as ambassadors and missions of the war, to conquer other nations and come home triumphant bringing home the victory and spoils. This great God sent the greatest warrior, and General, the universe has ever and will ever have known. He has great power, greater power no one else possess. He has a great and powerful army, one that can deliver total destructions on the universe. This Great God did not hide the mission from His Son, His Son new that this mission would ultimately cost Him His life in the most shameful manner, before the entire universe to witness the shameful persecution and suffering and death. The great God’s Son accepted the mission out of love and for love’s sake. The Son accepted the mission because He loves His Father and always desire to please Him, He loves the creation, and He loves man, and was willing to give His life to save the human race He created. In this Great War for the soul of men. Even though this great General commands an army that is so vast and very powerful, they couldn’t assist Him in defending him from the assault, the vicious attack He would endure mentally and physically. The Son of God had the greatest challenge that any human being has ever had to overcome. The challenge was even though He could stop the assault against Himself at any time and destroy all who were involved. He humbled himself to the suffering and death to pay the penalty for the sin of the world. The only person whose life could pay the penalty for the sins of the world had to be one who is sinless and His life had to be worth all the lives that have ever lived and everyone who will ever live. In other words, the person who could save us had to be both a sinless man and the creator of the world, God Himself.

Listen My Friends, the entire human race has the disease of death. We all struggle for life to live as long as we can, however, just as sure as we live, unless Christ returns first, we are all going to die. The good news is that God Has a antidote. The cure for our disease, the cure is in His Son, Jesus is victorious and triumphant conquering Sin and canceling out the punishment demanded by the written code. He conquered death, therefore God raised him from the dead. Everything Jesus ever told us God has proven to be true when He with great power raise Jesus Christ from the dead placing everything under His authority. It is time for you to receive the only cure for the disease of death which comes by believing in Jesus Christ and receiving eternal life. The only cure for death is life and that life is found in Jesus Christ. This is how you receive the cure, You must believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He died on the cross in your place for your sins and that God raised Him from the dead. Based on that fact ask God to forgive you,  God will forgive you and trade your sins for His righteousness and give you the gift of eternal life.We receive eternal life for His death. He gave His Life so that we would not have to. Amen, thank you, Lord.

God Bless you

Rev. Reginald Stevens

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