Salvation Is Permanent Part 4

My friends’ grace and peace I you in the name of God our Father the Son, and the. Holy Spirit. I thank God for this Opportunity to share with you His word concerning the permanence of the salvation He gives us. Lord guide me and direct me in Jesus name Amen.

God promises never to lose anyone who places their trust in His Son. What could be more assuring than this? God promises that whoever comes to Him in faith He will never lose them and He will never cast them out. Praise God the sin issue has been settle.

My friend let us just stop and thank God right now for He has taken care of everything we need to secure or salvation to the extent that we never have to concern ourselves over the issue again. God promises never to loose anyone who trust in Jesus Christ. Jesus said ”all that the Father has given shall come to me, him that come to me I shall in no way cast out” Amen. It’s done, it’s finish. The result of sin being paid for is that God gives to everyone who believes, forgiveness of their sin, membership into His family, a host of other gifts and rights, but to top it all off, God gives the gift of a precious jewel, eternal life. Amen Amen, thank-you Jesus.

It is God’s will that we are saved, therefore God sent His Son whom Here Love More than anyone to die on the cross for our sins. There you have it, God did it all. He sent His Son who is the only person He could totally depend on to carry out His Will even if it meant His death which it did. The Lord said that all He has given me I will in no way cast them out.  Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved ( Romans 10:13).

My friend if you don’t know the Lord as it concerns your sin issue, you are doing yourself senseless irreparable harm, if you remain unforgiven by God because you didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. Friends God’s word says that ” If you confess with your mouth, Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved.(Romans 10:9).

Take the time to deal with your sin issue, trust in Jesus, He will save you. Call on Him today. God Bless you. Let me know.

Rev. Reginald Stevens


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