Salvation Is Permanent Because Part 13

Greetings my Friends, Grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father and The Son And The Holy Spirit. I thank God for the exposing to us the treasure that was hidden from us until it pleased Him to make it known to us. I thank God for this opportunity to share His word with you to increase your understanding and strengthen your faith making you a powerful witness for Christ. Thank you Lord, Lead me and guide me so that I communicate your word in a way that is acceptable to you.

This is truly good news, salvation is permanent, it can’t be revoked. God is so great that there is no one greater,God love us with a love that has no Equal, a love that is infinite in nature. God is all powerful and able to accomplish anything He wants at any time He wants limited only by Himself. God’s love is Holy, spiritually pure. God is infinitely righteous, and just and He is the Justifier. He is the Judge of the universe in its entirety, Amen. The very thought of Him makes you tremble. There is no one like Him anywhere at all. It is Him, God who offers us eternal life which is in His Son, all God ask us to do is believe in Him.

Salvation in Jesus is permanent  because Christ paid for all sin. Salvation is permanent because believers have been declared righteous. Salvation is permanent because everlasting is everlasting, Salvation is permanent because God promise to never lose one who trust in Christ, Salvation is permanent because God do not give birth to temporary children. Salvation is permanent because We are already Glorified in the eyes of God. Salvation is permanent because when you believe you are in God’s hand, and not your own. Salvation is permanent because a believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit. Salvation is permanent because when you trusted Christ you became part of the body. Salvation is permanent because eternal salvation is a gift not a reward. Salvation is permanent because it is God who keeps us saved.Salvation is permanent because God can not Lie. Thank you Lord God, Amen. My friends don’t take Salvation lightly because it is free. It is free to you and me, but make no mistake a terrible price had to be paid, the life of God’s only begotten Son.

My Friends I know how difficult t is to make a decision when you don’t have the information to base it on. Well here it is my friends, Don’t continue putting off your salvation. God has taken care of everything for you, trust God, He made the way for you, believe in Jess Christ, Amen.

God Bless You

Rev. Regnald Stevens

Daily Dose


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