
A new Commandment I Give You

As sure as God allow us to wake up every day, we are dependent on Him so that we can. God also wants us to reach out and help one another. God commands us as Christian’s to love one another.


Brothers and sisters grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God once again for His mercy and His Grace given to us through His Son Jesus Christ. God has given us the means to overcome the Ills of this world so that we are able to live our lives before Him, pleasing and acceptable. God, I thank you for this opportunity to share with my brothers and sisters your word and to expound on what you have commanded us to do and to show how your word has relevance to our current situation. Finally, I pray that you enable us to make application, even to those who don’t know Jesus, so that they will choose today. In Jesus name, I pray Amen.

This is my commandment,

That ye love one another, as I have loved you (John 15:12). Love is the cure for the ill’s of the world. Love is the medicine to treat and overcome the sickness of hate in the world. Love is the antidote for the poison of hate. God is love, His nature is love, Jesus is the Son of His love, the Holy Spirit is the spirit of love, God’s act of creation is love, and God’s mercy and God’s grace is love, God’s salvation for man is love.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear the fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me (John 15:4). If we as Christians are rooted in Christ we can and will love one another. Every branch of a tree gets its nourishment from the root and at the same time is a part of one another. If one of the branches on the tree for some reason is not getting the nourishment it needs the other branches comes to its aid by sharing some of their nourishment to that branch to help it to heal, if that branch does not respond then God will remove it.

It is God’s intent for us to love one another.

If we see someone that is hungry and we are able to give them food, God wants us to feed them, this is love. If someone falls down  God want us to help them to get up, this is love.  If someone is thirsty God wants us to give them something to drink, this is love. If someone is dying from an illness God expect us to call an ambulance, and not just walk on by, this is love. If someone is homeless God wants us to do what we can to help them get shelter, this is love. If we see someone being mugged God expect us to come to their rescue in whatever way we can, this is love.  If we see someone being involved in criminal activity that does harm to people and or property God expect us to do something, this is love.  If we see someone is lost and don’t know their way, God expects us to help them.

If someone does us harm God wants us to forgive them,

as He forgave us, this is love.  If we see that someone need Christ, God wants us to let them know that Jesus can and want to help them. God wants us to show them the way. God wants us to do what is right, this is love. If we keep our trust in God, and if we continue getting our nourishment from Him, He will enable us to love one another.

God created every person with the ability to discern right from wrong.

God created every person with a conscience, and God created every person for the purpose of worshipping Him and to live a blessed life with Him forever, Amen. As children when we are told by our parents to do or not to do something. We feel a great sense of guilt when we are disobedient to our parents. That is because we have a moral responsibility to be obedient to our parents. We know this because of the guilt we feel from being disobedient. We feel this way because God wrote His laws upon the hearts of men.. Therefore, in the same way, we feel an even greater sense of guilt when we sin against God. God created us with a moral compass and a conscience.

We have the ability to lie

We have the ability to convince someone of that which is not true, and some will believe us, but we can not lie to our conscience, and we cannot fool God. The fact of the matter is that our conscious will testify for us or against us to God, the Judge of the universe. Our conscious will not lie. Being obedient to God’s command is something to be considered very seriously, just as important to be considered seriously is being disobedient to God’s command. God leaves the choice to us.

 Love One Another

Let us examine the command to love one another. I can see that if we love one another, we are the beneficiary of living a less troublesome life, and at the same time pleasing God. When we please God our Father He blesses us. God’s command to love one another is something that is good for us. Being obedient to God’s command is an example to the world of the Christian way of life. God commands us to love one another. Can you Imagine how the world would change for the better if we just love one another?


Brothers and sisters, and friends I thank you for reading this message, I hope that you were encouraged if so let me know, blog my post. Friends I hope God gave me the right words to speak to your heart because for you and for me God gave His Son whom He loves with a love so great that we can’t conceive in our understanding the magnitude of that love, which is of infinite value. God gave the life of His Son to pay the penalty for our sins so that we can have the opportunity to receive eternal life. God only asks that we believe that Jesus died in our place, He died for our sins. If you believe that Jesus died for your sin and you make that confession to God, God said: “you will not perish, but you will have everlasting Life”. My friend if you believe and you don’t know what to do? Let me know blog my post, allow me to help you. Thank you, Lord for this opportunity, in Jesus name I pray Amen. 


From Time To Eternity

Rev. Reginald Stevens


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From Time To Eternity