Emergency ! Emergency ! Emergency !


Grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I thank God for you. Lord Help me to deliver this emergency transmission. Father help someone understand and send them to Jesus. It’s in Jesus name I pray, Amen.


My friend’s Judgement is coming to the world. Don’t allow the world to deceive you, by persuading you to believe something that you have always known to be a lie. Every since you were able to understand the concept of right and wrong, and reward and punishment you have been able to give thought to how you would engage with the concept. As a child, you understood that when you did right you enjoyed a wonderful relationship with your parents or caregivers. When you did wrong a strain was placed upon that relationship. Privileges’ would be restricted, disapproval, dissatisfaction, A reduction in normal communication, and possibly corporal punishment. You understand these things because of the innate knowledge you were born with, God has written His laws on your heart,  He gave you a (Conscience) the ability to know right from wrong. The world will have you to believe either God does not exist, or that He will not judge the world. Neither of these statements that the world would have you believe is true. God does exist and He is going to judge the world.

However, you do have a choice in when you want to be judged. Your choice is limited but you do have one. You can choose to be judged now or you can choose to be judged later. Isn’t that wonderful? You can choose to be forgiven now or you can choose not be forgiven now. It’s up to you as long as you refuse to believe in Jesus Christ and be forgiven you stand in judgment of eternal condemnation.

The only other possibility to this equation is that judgment day of the world come before you die. In that case, you will come under judgment and then be sentenced to eternal condemnation. You will not escape judgment, because, you did not choose to believe in Jesus Christ. God will not change His mind, His holiness demands that He Judge sin. That doesn’t mean that God doesn’t love you. Unless God can be justified in pardoning you from the condemnation you deserve regardless of how much he loves you, He will violate His holiness, that demand Judgement for sin, the sentence is death eternal, in fires of hell.  He if God does not Judge sin then He is not God.  If you refuse to believe in His Son, and the work He did for you on the cross. you have no hope.

My friends search your hearts and your minds. Intuitively you know that this is true, God has written His laws upon your heart, and He has given you a conscious. If your conscience is not seared like a hot iron, you can discern that this is true. Now that you have been given a logical explanation of what you know to be true, you can take this time to choose to be saved. If you ask God to forgive you based on the work Jesus did on the cross, He not only will forgive you, but He promises to cleanse you from all unrighteousness, and He will give you the gift of eternal life. If you believe in Jesus now, God will judge you now. His verdict will be not guilty.  I wish that I could break in down into even more simpler terms, just trust in God, He will not forsake you. My friends if you have a better understanding contact me. Blog the post. God Bless you.

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 God Bless you
Rev. Reginald Stevens

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From Time To Eternity