Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Phil 4:4-7).

brothers and sisters greeting ! grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father, the Son and the  Holy Spirit. I thank God for this wonderful opportunity to address you concerning the peace of God. God I ask that you be with me, guide me and direct my thoughts, so that I may express the truth concerning your peace, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.
God’s peace is INFINITe in nature, It is a place we are brought into by the favor of God, purchased by the shed blood on the cross by Jesus Christ. God’s Peace is surrounded by pure absolute power, from the very presence of God. Pure unadulterated power dressed in compassion, given as a gift through God’s grace. A power that is so awesome that there is no power Greater in existence, nor can there be. Evil cannot approach God’s power without being totally destroyed. The peace of God is totally ENCAPSULATED by Gods power. It is being enjoyed by men but it cannot be explained. the peace of God is so wonderful, so great, so caring, so loving, so magnificent, so majestic, so protecting, so awesome, so feared, and so far beyond our ability to understand, and yet God Chooses to grant us The peace that only He can give.
The peace of God is very broad and cover vast areas of space and time. It is not a blanket peace created by God for anyone who come under the umbrella. It is a peace that one receives from believing in God’s Son. When this happens, God Guards your heart, the very seat of your CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, the place where you make your DECISIONS, your mind, the place where you actively make your plans, the place you contemplate the do’s and don’t. Your ability to reason, your very soul. from the point of your belief in Christ you have been surrounded by God’s protection made possible by his grace. Bringing you into a peaceful relationship with the highest authority in the entire universe, the one who works everything to His own purpose, He has given you a GUARANTEE of eternal life, giving you peace. No more worrying, no more trying to work your way to heaven.
God no longer consider you as an enemy. He consider you as His Sons or daughters. God is so pleased in the work Christ did on our behalf, He offer us, forgiveness of sin, peace of God, and peace with god,and Eternal life. As far as God is concerned we are already seated along side Christ in heavenly places(EPH 2:6). God our Father consider our salvation as already done. the sin question in your life has been Answered, Not guilty!!! Christ has freed you from the bondage to Sin and death.

Friends God has not changed His mind. God still love the world that He gave His Son for us. God gave His Son’s life for our death. God gave His Son who is sinless, to pay for our sin. God love you and want to bless you with eternal Life and He want to give you peace. God’s requirement is that you believe in the work that His Son Jesus Christ did on the cross.  God want you to trust not in your self,  He want you to trust in the one He trust,  His Son Jesus Christ,  Jesus made mention of this offer in the book of John 3:16. All you Have to do  is believe in Jesus and ask God to forgive you based on the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Lord I thank you for this opportunity to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord I pray that this messaged has helped  someone to choose Jesus. If you have now become able to trust Christ, Let me know, Blog my post. May God Bless you 

Thank You

Rev. Reginald Stevens

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