The Temple Of The Holy Spirit


” only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you: (Gen 41:40).

I am under God’s authority and  I am accountable to Him for the way I control my self.  This is the attitude we should have as Christians. Paul said He did not “set aside the grace of God” – or count is as ineffective as to the way He conducts himself  (Gal 2:21).  The grace of God is limitless, and it is absolute, as is the work of salvation through Jesus Christ is complete forever. Once you ask Jesus to save you it is done completely.  You don’t have to go through life with the burden of not knowing if you are still saved, as if God saved you but He left it up to you to stay saved. The work of salvation just like the plan is completely dependent on God.  I am saved, I am not going through the process of being saved. I am saved now for eternity.


Since I am saved I am not to live as though I am not. God expects me to use the gifts He has given me to reach out and help others. As a person saved by the grace of God, I am responsible for the acts I perform with my body. I can’t help anyone if, even though I am saved I live and carry myself as if I have not been saved. If I don’t work out the salvation God has given me, in my body, I will not be able to lead anyone to Christ.  One could rightly say: you are telling me to do this and that, but you don’t practice what you preach.  We who are saved must like Paul  ” Work out my own salvation”.(Phil 2:12).  We must be bold and exhibit openly in our bodies the life of Christ.  Paul expressed it this way, ” I discipline my body and bring it into subjection (1 Cor 9:27). God has given us the responsibility to bring our bodies under absolute control. We have been given us the Authority to rule over the temple of the Holy Spirit. This includes our thoughts and desires (1 Cor 6: 19). We are much more harsh in our judgment of others than we are when it concerns judging ourselves’ We make excuses when it concerns something we have or have not done, but we condemn things that concern others. for the simple reason that we are not inclined to do what they have done.

I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service (Rom 12:1). The decision is left up to me to agree with God that my body is indeed the temple of the Holy Spirit.  We must make it personal. once we agree all of the rules and regulations concerning the body Is summed up in this truth. – my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

My friends settle the sin question in your life today so that you won’t have to worry about it in the future. So that you may enjoy your life with a restored relationship with God.  Only God can save you and He made the necessary provisions through the death Of His Son. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, thou shall be saved (Rom 10:9).  Do you Believe Let me know, blog me.

God Bless You   

Reginald Stevens



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