Woman Behold Thy Son


When Jesus, therefore, saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom He loved, He saith unto his mother, woman behold thy son!. Then He saith to the disciple, behold thy mother! and from that hour that disciple took her to his home. (John 19:26-27).

Jesus put into practice that which He preached. Jesus saw his mother, the one who He loved and the one who was experiencing that which she could not ever have imagined. Her Son who is to save the world is being put to death right before her eyes.  Her firstborn Son that was literally given to her by God.  He saw her and he knew her suffering and pain, the way that no one else can. She was chosen by God to give a supernatural birth to a supernatural person. Mary was chosen to give birth to the creator of the universe. Mary was chosen to participate in the greatest miracle of all, God becoming one of the creatures He created and at the same time Remaining God. The God-man.  To see him dying and suffering on the cross was like tearing Mary’s heart out of her chest.

Jesus acknowledged that He had a responsibility to His Family, to provide for His mother. Jesus on other occasions expressed that you must love God more than anyone else.  He chose the person or persons that one would love more than anyone else to illustrate, our parents and or our children. The love relationship between a parent and their children is very strongly bonded.  Jesus expressed that your love for God must come first, stronger, and then your parents and your children, and brothers and sisters and friends. based on the love you have for God, you are to also take care of your responsibility toward family and fellowman.  If a man says that he loves God and hate his brother he is a liar and the truth is not in him ( 1 John 4:20).   Through the first three words, Christ revealed his work as the great high priest.  He interceded for transgressors,  He proclaimed pardon for the penitent,  and He bestowed blessings on  His own.  Amen! Thank You, Jesus, for all you have done and all you are doing for me.

If you don’t know Jesus concerning the pardon of your sin,  trust Him today. He has already been praying for you. He is ready to declare pardon for you when you repent., and He wants to bless you with eternal life, and much, much, more.  Believe in Jesus and the work He did by dying on the cross for your sins and mine.  If you believe in Jesus let me know,

God bless you

Rev. Reginald Stevens


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From Time To Eternity