Brothers and sisters greetings grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I thank God for the privilege of sharing His word with you concerning the topic of freedom. Lord thank you for this opportunity to share your word. Lord I please lead and guide me so that I will stay on point and express that which is according to your will. Thank you, Lord, It’s in Jesus name that I pray Amen.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your £body and in your spirit, which is God’s (1Cor 6:19, 20).

If there is anything that will get everyone’s attention,  it’s when something is being given away for free. Walmart, t=Toys r us, Target, Sears and so on. If anyone is giving something away for free everyone wants something for free. I have learned that nothing is free.  Practically  Know one is giving something away for free. There is a motive or reason they are giving something away for free.  It’s really not free you are buying one and you are told that you are getting the other for free.  In other words, you are getting two for the price of one.  The store had an abundance of the product on hand and it makes good business sense to sell to their customers for a savings gaining customer loyalty in return. One thing most of us have learned is nothing is free. When we are approached by someone and they offer us something for free we immediately become suspicious of that person. We don’t believe it because we know human nature. We don’t trust each other

God created Adam sinless and his nature was without sin. God appointed Adam as the representative of the human race, God gave him full authority to make decisions that would affect all humanity. God commanded Adam not to eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil for the day you eat of it you shall truly die ( Gen 2:17).  God explained to Adam what it would cost him if he ate of the tree. To eat from the tree would be disobeying God. Disobeying God is a sin. The wages of sin is death. Once Adam sinned his nature became a sin nature. A person with a sin nature cannot produce a person without a sin nature, therefore everyone who is born from that person has a sin nature, and is not able, not to sin .  Adam didn’t believe God but chose to believe Satan. Trading the truth for a lie and became a slave to Sin. Giving to Satan the authority that God had given to him to be king of this world.  After becoming slaves to sin he and no one else coming from his seed could under their own strength, buy or earn pardon from this death sentence.

According to Romans 6:17  we were slaves to sin, we were in bondage, we were not able not to obey sin. Sin was our master and was the rule in our lives. We were sold into the slave market of sin. We couldn’t stop sinning if we wanted too. Sin was a natural way of life to us.  We were dead in  Sin and trespass. Sin extracts a heavy toll.  Sin cost us our lives and pays us death.  The payment Has to be paid, according to God’s Holiness. God is Holy, God must and does punish sin. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 6:23).

God by the goodness of His grace and love and mercy has set us free from the state of being His enemy, God set us free from condemnation and death, free from being in bondage to sin, free from the guilt of sin and restored our relationship with Himself. This freedom that God has lavishly place upon us is free to us but it cost God. We were purchased back from the slave market of sin and death. We were redeemed. Jesus had to pay the price. The price was his life for our death. We are not our own we were bought for a price, we owe our allegiance to the one who died for us. The freedom we have is free to us but it cost God everything. It cost Him his Son. Jesus said ” God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him for their (salvation) shall not perish but shall have everlasting life (John 3:16).

Now the choice is yours. Do you choose to believe God, He is not a man that He should lie, in doing so you will receive everlasting life.  All you have to do is believe in His Son. Perhaps you feel skeptical and you think that you cannot trust God to grant you salvation. Maybe you think that if you earned your way by doing some type of good work that God would be obligated to honor your good work and forgive your sins. Our ability to do good works acceptable before God was forfeited when our forefather disobeyed God. We must believe in Jesus to be set free from sin and death. When the Son set you free you will be free indeed (John 836).  You cannot save your self. only God can save you, and the only way He will is that you and I believe in His Son Jesus Christ. My friends, I hope that God has opened your eyes to understanding so that you may see the seriousness and danger thereof in putting off Jesus Christ another day.  If you choose Jesus you will receive the gift of God, eternal life. Let me know. 


God bless you

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