
Greetings my friends, grace, and peace to you in the name of God our Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. I thank God for you and for giving me a platform to share His word with others. Especially with others who believe in Him as I do. Lord thank you for being The great God you are, thank you for sending your Son Jesus to save me and not me only but everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. Lord, I ask you to lead and guide me as I share with others concerning truth. Lord bless all you take the time to read and touch the hearts of the unsaved so they can come to Jesus, It’s in Jesus name I pray Amen.

Friends as you know God created us in His image. In doing so He equipped us with the ability to think, the ability to make choices, the ability to express and communicate our ideas, and thoughts. When God shared this tool with us along with emotions, and will,  God Made us be the same type of being as He is. Don’t misunderstand me, we are not gods, however, we are the same type of being as God. The most powerful tool in the universe that we as created beings have is the ability to communicate in words. To show you how powerful words are, God spoke the universe into being.  Words are so powerful that lies can lead you astray and imprison you, and the truth can set you free.

When we are young our imagination just runs while. when we are young we are so gullible. If our families are not grounded in the faith we learn about God from the world. If God allows us to continue that way we might think that God owes us something. some people think that God is their private genie. If God allowed us to we would change the truth about God into a lie. Soon or later we will say that we are God. Truth Is one of the most powerful attributes in the universe and, there is only one. God is Truth, and everything that is true finds its’ source in God. There is no different levels of truth, either its true or it’s not.

Lies are powerful words also. Lies are destructive, lies have cost many people their lives. Lies has caused countries to go to war against one another. Lies blind people from being able to see the truth. The devil is a liar and the truth is not in him. Satan is the father of lies. Those who live their lives in association with lies and deception are of the devil, and this is by choice.  One of the things that God hates is a lying tongue. Lies may fool you into thinking you can do anything you want, have anything you want, and even go anywhere you want. If you were a believer you would not put your trust in these lies. You can fool everyone except God and yourself. God created us with a conscience whenever we do anything that is wrong and that includes lying, our conscience records it. You can’t erase it, you may ignore it, but it is there waiting to testify against you to God. If that frightens you that is good. You can decide to go to God and confess the truth to Him.

God is Truth, Gods’ word is true. The bible is the word of God. The bible is the truth. A person can depend on the truth. All truth is not found in the Bible, but the entire Bible is true. Just so that someone doesn’t get confused, if the bible says something like, Saul told David He loved Him and then, Saul tried to kill him. The Bible is reporting truthfully that this is what Saul had done. The Bible is not a history book but it accurately records history and the same with science. Jesus said heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away(Matt 24:35). From time to eternity God’s word will never change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow ( Heb. 13:8) God will never change. Whatever God said yesterday means the same thing, today.

Jesus Said I Am the Way and the Truth and the Life and no one can come to the Father except by Me (John 14:6).  “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life”(John 5:24). If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that God sent Him to die for our sins, you will pass from death to life. Stop believing in the lie, in which you can not profit. Believe in the Truth, Jesus Christ, Salvation is found nowhere else for there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12).   Do you believe the truth or do you believe the lie? The choice is yours. If you believe the truth let me know. Amen! 

God Bless You

Reginald Stevens


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From Time To Eternity