Do You Love Me ?


From Time To Eternity

I Am The Way and The Truth and The Life
DO YOU LOVE ME? (John 21:17)


Jesus asked Peter do you love me? Previously Before He was crucified, Jesus was explaining to His disciples what was about to take place, Peter told Jesus He would die for Him. The words Jesus was speaking to His disciples caused them to become very emotional. The words Peter spoke were an emotional outcry. He really felt that way emotionally, however, our emotions don’t always line up perfectly with reality. Peter Loved Jesus the way anyone loves a good person deep within our natural selves. This love is expressed mostly through our emotions. This love does not penetrate deep into our spirits.

       The Love Jesus was speaking of is not limited to emotional outburst, It is not limited in expression by words. The expression of this love is expressed in our obedience, the expression of this love is seen in the way we live. The expression of this love is seen in how we relate to others. Jesus asked Peter, do you love me? Feed my sheep.  Jesus asked Peter again? Do you Love me? Feed my sheep. Jesus asked Peter again, do you Love me?   True love never just declares itself. Jesus said whoever confesses me before men, (that confesses me in everything he does and not words only) Him will I confess before angels of God (Luke 12:11).      

The question Jesus asked Peter Do you love me? hurt him, because he had denied Jesus three times. Jesus made Peter face the truth about himself. If the word of God doesn’t hurt us or cause us not to feel good about ourselves then we are hindering God’s word from working in our lives. I have heard it said that the truth hurts. God wants us to face the truth about ourselves so that we can overcome. The word of God inflicts more pain on us than sin ever could. Sin dulls the senses. The word of God uncovers the evil that we have hidden in our hearts. The word of God intensifies our sensitivities to the point of pain that penetrates our being. The word of God is living and powerful piercing to the division of the soul and the spirit (Heb 4:12). The word of God is very thorough and uncover all deception in our hearts.  

Whenever the Lord talk to us directly it is impossible for us to think and respond correctly. As God reveals the deception within us, every part of our lives that is not in line with God’s word feels the pain. The moment that we feel the pain God reveals His truth to us. Amen.

God Bless You

Reginald Stevens


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