Taking The Initiative In Despair



Greetings brothers and sisters and friends grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit.  I thank God for you and the opportunity He has given me to share His word with you concerning despair.  Lord, I pray that you lead me and guide me so that I may encourage my brothers and sisters and even those who don’t know Jesus. It’s in Jesus name that I pray, Amen.


After the last Supper Jesus lead  the disciples into the Garden Of Gethsemane.Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake and watch.   When He returned from praying they were sleep. Jesus woke them and reminded them that He asked them to stay awake and pray.  Knowing that they did something that they cannot go back and change.  When we neglect to do something important, we usually say, well I blew it,  I messed everything up, it’s too late, what am I going to do?  Everything is ruined what ‘s the use of trying now? The sense of having done something irreversible tends to make us despair. You may think that this type of despair is an exception, you are mistaken. This is a very ordinary human experience. When we realize that we have not taken advantage of a rare opportunity we are apt to sink into despair.  Jesus comes to us and says sleep on now that opportunity is lost forever and you can’t change that but get up let’s go on to the next thing.  In other words, let the past sleep in the sweet embrace of Jesus. Let us go on into the invincible future with Him.

We will experience time such as this in our lives that we won’t be able to lift ourselves out of. In this instance, the disciple had done something they should not have done.  They should have kept watch, instead, they went to sleep. Jesus took the spiritual initiative against despair and told them to sleep on,  and get up and let’s go on to the next thing that has to be done.

Are you inspired by Jesus, what is the next thing He has for you to do?  Don’t stay in despair because you believe you have let the Lord down.  Ask God to forgive you, and get up and go. There are people that don’t know Christ and you may be their last chance to come and know Jesus, concerning their salvation. God bless you, brothers and sister, I hope that this message has encouraged you to reach out to the lost, time is running out. You know that Jesus is coming back soon. Thank you, Lord. Amen!

My friends if this message has inspired you to choose  Jesus Christ that is good, please let me know. Blog my post get in touch.

God Bless You

Rev. Reginald Stevens

From Time To Eternity

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From Time To Eternity