Critical Condition


Critical Condition

January 4, 2018


Brothers and sisters grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father and Jesus Christ His Son and The Holy Spirit. I thank God for you, because it just isn’t easy to stand up in the world as a Christian. I am also proud that I am identified with you. You are a inspiration to me as I hope to be one to you. My friends sometime we have to reflect on where we are and how we got here. There is a statement that is used quite often in this world and yet it rings with truth. Never forget where you came from. My friends before God saved us we were in critical condition, hopeless, alienated from the commonwealth, and without a God in this world to help us, who we can worship, a God we can cry out to in our trouble and sorrow.

Lord guide my thoughts as I share with my brothers and sister concerning the condition you saved us out of. Lord bless all who read, by encouraging them to take your word to those who remain in critical condition, so that they can know The only cure Jesus Christ. Thank you in Jesus name Amen.

A few months ago I became ill, from working in the heat. The temperature was very hot and I ignored the reality of the situation and continued working in the heat without maintaining the proper hydration to the needs of my body. As a result of that act of ignorance a series of  consequences happened that were not good. First I became dehydrated, my blood pressure drop really low, and then my kidneys start shutting down, my heart was beating 35 times a minute and my condition became critical. I was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital, where I received around the clock care.

Godlessness is ignorance ( Rom 1:18-20)

The same way we as human beings close our eyes to the evidence that God set before us. We ignore the evidence, sort of a self induced blindness.  God has made his truth plain to us and has made Himself evident. ignorance as a excuse will not be accepted as a defense. Ignorance is how sin starts, ignoring reality, God! what God?

Godlessness is Misdirected worship (Rom 1:21-23)

We get so carried away with the world that we fail to glorify God for what He has done. For the provisions that He has supplied us with, The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the Sun that supply light, and the shelter from the elements. We give thanks and worship to things that were  created by God, instead of giving our thanks and worship to the one it really belongs. We worship our kids, our homes, our cars, our wives, our husbands, our animals, our jobs, everyone and everything except God, some even worship themselves.

Godlessness is sexual disobedience, and perversion (Rom 1:24-27).

God concerned about our sexuality. and has a plan for it.  The bible has always stated that sex is between a husband and a wife. Sexuality is between a married couple. Sex outside marriage is sin. Sex with animals is sin, sex with same sex, that is men with men or women with women is an abomination before God. God has a special punishment for homosexuality, designed to help the person become restored to their born sexuality. God does not ask us who are strait to punish or hate those who are homosexual. God is fully capable of curing a person like this, only He can. We are commanded to love one another,

Godlessness is practicing or ignoring a variety of God Hating, self defeating activities and attitudes (Rom 1 :28-2:2).

This wickedness knows no bounds and will do anything to attract others who like this type of behavior to join them in their destination to hell. These are some of the most vile people you can ever meet. they are an abomination to God. They are enemies of the Church. However God makes it difficult for them to Come to Him, every time they reject Christ the more difficult for them to receive Him. Yet out of this difficulty God brings them to Jesus.  Glory be to God. You don’t have to remain in critical condition God has supplied you with the cure, but He won’t make you take it. You must believe in His Son Jesus by your own free will. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that who ever believe in Him will not perish but shall have ever lasting life (John 3:16). Do You Believe ? You Must believe. Let Me Know.

God bless you! Thank You Lord. If this short message has helped you let me know. Blog my post.

Rev. Reginald Stevens


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