Therefore Go And Don’t be Afraid

Greetings brothers and sister, grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I thank God for you, and the opportunity to reach out to you in concern for those who don’t know Jesus.  Lord God help me to inspire my brother’s and sister’s to share the gospel with others, time is becoming critical every day we get even closer to the day of your return.

Thank you, Lord, in Jesus name Amen. The world around us is not getting better. There are those who have sold their souls to Satan and don’t even know it. This is because they have exchanged the glory of the living God for images of things that were made of human hands, and beast and snakes. They place their trust in mind-altering drugs that cause them to believe that they are more than they truly are. Once they are hooked there is no limit to the extent they will go to support their habit. Some even has convinced themselves that they are God. Even the government is getting out of control.

Subconsciously they know they need help. They know God can help them, but they don’t believe He will.  If you ask them if they know where they are going when they die the majority will tell you that they are going to hell. They are in a maze and the can’t find their way out. These people don’t know God as we do. They don’t know about His goodness, they don’t know about His love, they don’t know about His grace. They do not know His forgiveness and they do not know His Son. They don’t understand His power. They even make themselves believe foolishly that there is no God. They are liars and they know God is real.

So God wants us to remember we were once lost and alone, alienated and without a God in the world, just as they are now. We were once guilty before God and He sent someone to tell us about Jesus. We learned about the great sacrifice He made on our behalf. We were undeserving of such a wonderful act of compassionate self-sacrificing love. We received God’s forgiveness and accepted the gift of eternal life offered us by God, and all the blessing that came along with it. Now God has charged us with the responsibility to reach out to those who are just like we were, destined for eternal condemnation before God. God doesn’t want us to be their judge, He wants us to tell them about Jesus. Sure God wants us to tell other’s about all the wonderful things he did for us, but He wants us to tell others about Jesus.

 “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go £therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” £Amen (Matt 28:18-20)

Thank you, my friends, I hope this message has encouraged you to pass the gospel on to others that they may know God’s love and grace. No one knows when we will pass from time into eternity. This opportunity is only for the living it is not offered to someone once they are dead. If you are ready to choose Christ let me know, blog my post.

God Bless you

Rev. Reginald Stevens

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From Time To Eternity