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Where Are You ?

Every year most successful businesses, or organizations take inventory, to find out where they are and how successful they are at accomplishing their goals. by taking inventory they are able to measure what they are doing right and what can be eliminated to save time and money. They are able to estimate how long it will take to accomplish their goal or if they had to scrape it and develop another plan. My friends where are you?

Where Are You?

My friends, brothers, sisters, have you taken  a look at your inventory ? Where are you? Have you taken a look?  Are you happy with where you are? Did you change your goal? Did you set the bar to high? Is your goal realistic? Have other variables come into play that you didn’t account for when you set your goals? Can you do it? Do you think there is a better way? Are you just going to throw your hands up and quit? Is there enough time for you to achieve your goal. Tell me my friends I am truly concerned.

Have You Considered God ?

My friends what good is it for a man to gain the world, and lose his his soul. You can’t have success in life if you don’t include the Creator. God love you and He want you to be successful. God want your life to glorify Him. The first thing that God want you to do to be successful in life is to believe in His Son. God love you so much he gave His Son’s life to save your and mine look at (John 3:16). The first step in being successful in life is to have it forever, eternally. The only thing that God require is that you believe that His Son died for your sin, and that God raised Him from the dead. If you believe this in your heart and confess it with your mouth you shall be saved. Choose Jesus today and you will be well on your way to achieving  success in life

God Bless You

Rev. Reginald Stevens

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From Time To Eternity