Time Is Running Out

When we have to make a decision that is very important such as a matter of life and death. We don’t hesitate to do everything we can to stop the impending emergency. What ever the situation is we do all that we can to meet the challenge. But when it come to our eternal security we tend to procrastinate, we look for an excuse to not do what we know has to be done.

How long can you continue running from God. It does not matter to God how long you have been running. He has done everything He can do to rescue you from where  you are headed. In addition to God making the provisions necessary for your salvation, He made it so easy for you to acquire , you don’t believe it. You think there is another way. My friend time is running out. Jesus said ” I Am the way and the truth and the life know one can come to the Father except by Me”(John 14:6). Allow me to help you, there is no other way, and time is running out,  Jesus said ” God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that who ever believe in Him shall perish But shall Have everlasting Life(John 3:16). Time comes to an end in everyone’s life . We don’t know the day or the hour. We can leave at any time, It is appointed for men to die once but  after this the judgement (Heb. 9:27). Time is running out,  don’t put it off any longer, place your trust in Jesus today.

Rev. Reginald Stevens

From Time To Eternity

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From Time To Eternity