Mercy Is Not Goodness

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Mercy Is Not Goodness   September 10, 2017

I will trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.”—Psalm 52:8.

Brothers and Sister and friends Grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. I thank God for this time that He has given to me to share with you concerning mercy. Lord please direct my thoughts as I reason with my brothers and sisters concerning the topic of mercy. Lord I pray that you open the hearts and minds of those who are reading this message help them that don’t know Jesus understand what it mean to receive God’s  mercy, In Jesus name  I pray Amen.

My friends lets take a moment and reason with each other. Mercy is not Goodness, these are two attributes that are opposed to each other. It is a mistake to think that mercy is related to goodness. Mercy and Goodness are both attributes of  God. Mercy and goodness is both related to justice. Justice is a development of goodness. Goodness in most cases demands justice. Mercy doesn’t demand the exercise of Justice, however it ask that justice be set aside. As you can probably see goodness and mercy stand in very different relationship to justice. Goodness, and mercy, and justice are three of God’s many attributes. In all of His attributes God is infinite, there is no end to any of them in God. He is rich in mercy, Goodness and Justice.

Let us look closer, Goodness demands Justice, Justice is opposed to mercy. Justice gives to everyone one what he or she rightfully deserves. While mercy ask for a pardon from the penalty of the law concerning the crime that was committed. Mercy treats the criminal much different from the way he or she deserves to be treated. While justice operates on issuing out exactly what is deserved. Mercy  always presuppose guilt, If a person is not guilty or think he or she is not guilty there can be no mercy. One must believe that he is guilty, and the penalty of the law must come to bear, or there can be no measure for mercy.

Mercy can only be extended as far as the penalty deserves and no further. If great punishment is required then great mercy is given, If everlasting punishment is due then the scope of the mercy must be given to the same proportion. The psalmist say” I will trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.”—(Psalm 52:8.)  Trust in mercy implies that you have no hope in Justice. If you had any hope in justice you would not ask for mercy. As human beings we are not  proud to throw ourselves on mercy,  if we thought that we had a legitimate claim to justice. Trust in God’s mercy implies that you believe God to be merciful. Trust in God’s mercy forever implies that you are convicted of guilt and the  punishment is just, one that will last forever. Trusting in God’s mercy means giving up and stopping all excuses and admitting guilt and having faith in God’s mercy.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). God said that you will have everlasting life if you believe in His Son. Do you  think that your sin is so great that you deserve eternal condemnation and that you can’t be saved?  God know your condition and He is willing to extend to you His mercy and with hold from you what you really deserve, and give you grace something that you truly do not deserve, All you have to do is trust God will do what He promise,  and believe that Jesus died for your sin? If you do  God will fulfill His promise to you . If you  don’t know what to do contact me, allow me to help you. If you have come to belief let me know blog my post. Brothers and sisters I hope that this message has encouraged you to reach out for the lost souls so that they may receive the mercy of God, Jesus Christ our Lord, Thank you Lord God in Jesus name I pray Amen.
From Time To Eternity

God Bless You

Rev. Reginald Stevens

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