One Way

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   AUGUST 30, 2017

Greetings Brothers and Sisters, and Friends, grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ Who Love us so much that He gave His life as payment for our sins. I thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity to share His Word concerning the way of salvation.

Lord I pray that you lead me as I share with my brothers and Sisters concerning the great salvation that was provided to us by Jesus Christ. Lord I pray that this message would be a blessing to those who are saved , and encourage them to share with others that don’t know you as it concern the forgiveness of sin. Lord I pray that you open the hearts and minds of those reading this message and enable them to have a overwhelming desire to know Jesus so they can be saved. Thank you Lord God , In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Years ago I worked for a railroad co named. North American Car Corporation. I was working with a guy by the name of will. Will was a very nice person. At break time Will would share bible scripture with me. He share scripture like, John 3:16, Romans 3:23, and so on. One Day while on break will said to me ” Reggie did you know that you can not even talk to God unless you go through Jesus.” I said to will ” Are you kidding me”? He said to me” no I am not, look at this”. He showed me John 14:6. I was amazed, It was like getting a hold of some very important secret information. I new that there was something about this information that I would need in some way, one day. I was so intrigued with this information I would never forget it. It was like the map to a hidden treasure.

In the gospel of John Chapter 14:6 Jesus made such a profound statement. “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” To me hearing this was sort of eye opening. It made a lot of sense. In my very limited understanding at the time, I thought that this was a good idea. What I new about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins  and now He would stand before God on my behalf,I thought this is wonderful. Somehow I knew that I needed somebody to talk to God for me, God being so powerful, and according to everything I had ever learned about God, He does not put up with any nonsense, He can see through you, and you don’t want to make Him angry. These thoughts  although they are true only encapsulate part of what is true, this is surface truth.

God created us and gave us something that is so precious saved or not saved we don’t want to lose it. Anyone that does want to lose it, has something mentally wrong with them. There is also those that say they want to die, again I say some of them are mentally Ill and some of them are just lying. The bottom line is God know you  want to live. God also know that you want to live under your own terms, under your own authority, Free of being responsible to anyone other than yourself. God want you to live, however He is not going to allow any of His creation to live in rebellion to Him , or in sin . As far as God is concerned you are either with Him or against Him there is no neutral ground. If you believe in Christ and the work that He did You will live,. If you don’t believe In Christ you will surely die and suffer eternal condemnation and Hell and Fire.

John from the very beginning of His writing was telling us who Jesus is, John 1:1,2,3,-14. We were not able to receive the understanding of these scriptures because of unbelief. In John 3:16 Jesus revealed how a person can receive  eternal life. In the culture of those days, the people understood that God’s very nature is God. To be the Son of God you have to be of the same nature as God. Just as we are human, we have a human nature. To show that they understood this look at John 8:58, In this scripture Jesus answered their question by reminding them of His relationship with Moses,  revealing to him His name, I AM  and  Abraham before him, who was delighted to see Him. The people knew what He was saying and they took up stones to kill Him, because He was claiming to be God.  John chapter 11 Jesus did something before many witnesses, that which  only God could do when he raised Lazarus from the dead.  somehow the truth of who He is  was obscured in unbelief even though people saw it with their own eyes

In John chapter 14:1-6  Jesus wanted to prepare  His disciples for His impending shameful death on the cross. Jesus gave them  words to comfort them. In His words of comfort Jesus told them 1.. Trust God and trust Me., this statement still was not clear to them.2. He is going to  His father’s house that has many mansions. 3. Because He is going to prepare a place for us He is coming back for us. 4. They know where He is going and the way to get there. He totally capture their every though and felt their sorrow. Peter ask Jesus where He was going and why can’t He come with Him now. Jesus told Him he cannot come now but he will come later. Thomas told Jesus that they do not know where He is going so how can they know the way. Jesus said “I Am the way the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.”  Phillip made a request that unknown to himself that would make it totally clear and remove all doubt as to exactly who Jesus claim to be . Phillip said to Jesus show us the Father. Jesus told him “He who has seen me has seen the Father, so how can you say “show us the Father”. Jesus told his disciples that He is telling them this now so when it happens they will believe

This revelation is totally astonishing, This is the greatest of all miracles known to man. God the creator of the universe became one of the creatures He created. God walked the earth as a man and taught men about God, and made provisions for us  to be reconciled to the rightful and original relationship with Himself. He did this by paying the penalty demanded by His Holiness according to righteousness of the law. He did this by dying on the cross. My friends Jesus is Almighty God The Son. God The Father love us so much that He sent His Son to die a shameful death on the cross for our sin. God said if you believe in Him you shall have eternal life. Jesus said I Am The Way and The Truth and The Life, no one can come to my father except through me. If you want to live forever you have to take God up on His gracious offer and believe in His Son and the work He did by dying on the cross for you and for me. Thank you brothers and sisters and friends, If you know Christ I hope this message has increased you knowledge and encouraged your heart, if so contact me , let me know post to my blog. If you don’t know Jesus concerning the pardoning of your sin, do you believe God, Do you believe in His Son Jesus and the work He has done, if so and you don’t know what to do, contact me allow me to help you. Thank you Lord for this wonderful opportunity, in Jesus name Amen.

God Bless You

Rev. Reginald Stevens






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From Time To Eternity