Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ Help Them

Lord God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ we thank you Lord for your mercy and your grace. Lord you have been so good to us. We thank you  Father for our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Father we thank you for forgiving us our sin and restoring our ability to fellowship with you. Father I come to you in the name of Jesus asking you Lord to Help those people who are suffering in Texas. Many have lost family members, their homes, elderly, sick, and even the animals are suffering. Lord I ask that you come to their rescue Lord. Lord all things are possible with you. Lord I pray that bring their suffering to an end. Lord you spoke the world into existence, all you have to do is say the word and it shall be done. Never the less Father not my will but let your will be done.           It is in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ that I pray

Your servant

Reginald Stevens


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From Time To Eternity