From Time To Eternity


To Be or Not To Be That is The Question

Greetings brothers and sisters, friends and Family. Grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. It is truly an honor to share with you what God has allowed me to discover concerning His mercy which is totally related to His love, and His Grace which is more powerful than anything we can imagine. Jesus Commanded us to love one another (John 15:12). God has illustrated His love for us by sending His Son, Amen. I present this question to you because whether consciously or unconsciously this is a question that you will answer. Lord God I ask that you help me communicate your word to those who has not reached the point of understanding that will enable them to make the decision to choose Jesus Christ and the work that He has done for our salvation. Thank You Lord in the name of Jesus our Lord Amen.…-is-the-question/

There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Borrowing the title from Shakespeare, I think is appropriate for the subject of Condemnation. This is a condition every human being is confronted with. We must decide whether to be condemned or not to be condemned. God leaves that decision up to you. God in His great eternal love and wisdom has provided a way to legally save us from the sentence of eternal condemnation. God provided a way to withhold from us the deserved punishment that we earned by our sin. The penalty that must be paid is death we are unable to do both. That is give our life as payment for sin and to live again after payment has been made. This is impossible, let’s explore the reason why I say this.

Perhaps you think that you can you can make amends by doing good to make up for the sins you have committed. This is futile and a total waste of time. Because of our inherited sin nature we want to be totally independent and to follow our own way. This is further proof that our nature is contaminated from the beginning. This sin is the desire to be wise, or be like God (Gen 3:6). In the beginning our Parents decided that instead of being answerable to God that they would become gods themselves. That is why you don’t trust God, because you also want to be independent of God. You don’t want to trust in what God through Christ work has done for you. You want to dependent on yourself and do works that are good, God must accept your good works. God being the righteous Judge that He is will compare what you have done good and evil and find you to be a just man. My friends this is erroneous thinking, God won’t except any work other than that done by Jesus. This is the same type of thinking that caused Adam and Eve to buy into the original lie that led them astray. They fell into sin because they didn’t believe God. Now God Tells us that He sent His Son Jesus Christ and whoever believe on Him shall not perish, but shall Have ever lasting life (John 3:16) we must believe. The scripture says that whosoever Call on the name of the Lord will be saved (Roman 10:13).  If you confess with your mouth Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). God placed the sin of the world upon His Son on the cross, and He died conquering sin by His death, when God raised Him from the Dead with great power never to die again(Romans1:4). Now God leaves the choice up to you. Jesus said I Am the way and truth and the Life no one can come to my Father unless by me (John 14:6).

Because of God’s great love, He not only withhold from us our deserved punishment. But He gives us the gift of righteousness that we surely don’t deserve. God did this for the praise of His glorious grace Amen. My friends the choice is one of being condemned to eternal death for sin, or receiving the gift of righteousness by choosing to trust in God and the work of His Son for your salvation to eternal Life.     29Jesus said to him, £“Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (John 20:29). Which is it you are going to choose? To be condemned and not trust Christ, or to trust Christ and not be condemned.  God leaves this choice up to you.  If you place your trust in Jesus Christ, there is therefore no condemnation for you ever.

God bless you friends. I hope that God has opened your eyes of understanding and that you have a better understanding of what’s at stake concerning where you will spend eternity. If I have helped you to understand I praise God. If you have made a decision contact me, if you are almost there and something that makes you hesitant contact me, blog my post at If you are already a believer and this message has encouraged you, contact me, let me know.

God bless you

Rev. Reginald Stevens



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From Time To Eternity