You Are Blessed Part 4

                You Are Blessed Part 4

Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled—or, shall be satisfied (Matt 5:6).

Greeting Brothers and Sister and friends grace and peace to you in the name of the Father and The Son and The Holy spirit. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to share His word with you concerning our blessedness. Lord please help me as I divide your word, Help me do it right and open the hearts and minds of those who read it that they understand and be blessed by the message. Thank you Lord it is in Jesus name I pray Amen.

Do you remember times in your life that you were hungry, this is how your body respond when it needs nourishment. You have burned up all your energy and now you need more. God made us from the earth and our bodies must get its nourishment from the earth. Sort of like a car, it must have gas in order to run. when you run out of gas the car stops. The car needs water in order to keep the parts cool, so that they won’t over heat. We need water to protect our internal organs and circulatory system. God made us superior to anything we can make. When we run out of nourishment we don’t died immediately, our bodies start feed on itself giving us time to get the nourishment we need to survive.

It is the same way with our spirit. Our bodies come from the earth but our spirit comes from God and must be feed from heaven. Jesus said if we thirst after righteousness we will be blessed.  Righteousness is a term used as a declaration God make toward a person that He judges to be Justified. When we believe in Jesus Christ for our salvation, when we believe that He died on the cross for our sin, God judges us at that moment. The moment that we believe that Christ died for our sin God judges us and declares us justified. God takes our sin and place them two thousand years back on the cross on Jesus. Then God take Jesus righteousness and place it upon us by imputation. God declared his Son Guilty and declared us not guilty. God declared us justified unto righteousness, this is the nourishment we need and we can only get it from God.

Rom 4:6-8 David describes how blessed is the man that God does not impute sin.  21For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him (2 Cor. 5:21). If you hunger and thirst after righteousness, if you seek God’s forgiveness, if you want to have peace with God. God has made a way for you. There is only one way, you can’t earn it , there is nothing you can do that God will accept. God will only accept the work of His son. His work was laying down His life for you and me. If you work for your salvation it is a debt. You will be saying to God, you have to save me because I earned it. This is totally unacceptable to God. Your ability to save your self was forfeited in the beginning.

22God makes people right with himself through their faith in Jesus Christ. This is true for all who believe in Christ, because all are the same. 23All people have sinned and are not good enough for God’s glory. 24People are made right with God by his grace, which is a free gift. They are made right with God by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ (Roman 3:22-24)

God so love the world that He gave his only begotten Son in that who ever believe in Him will not perish but will have everlasting Life (John 3:16). I hope and pray that God has allowed me to help you understand where you are and where you have go in order to receive this special blessing. Jesus is the way all you have to do is believe . If I have helped you let me know contact me, if you need more explanation to help you decide let me know contact me, Blog my post. If you are saved and this message encouraged you contact me.                                                                                  God Bless you, Rev Reginald Stevens




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