You are Blessed Part 3

     March 21, 2017

    You are Blessed Part 3

5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth (Matt 5:5)

Greetings Friends and brothers grace and peace to you in the name of God our Father , The son, and The Holy Spirit. I thank God for this opportunity to share with you concerning the Blessings God has given us, and those who He also want to bless. Lord I ask that you open the hearts and minds of those who read this message so that they will have a better understanding of the blessings that you have given us, in Jesus name I pray Amen.

As Christians our attitude mean everything. We are no longer citizens of this world. We live in this world but we are no longer bound by the dictates there of. We have come face to face with the truth and we have submitted our selves to the truth by believing in the Son of God. We did this while we were enemies with God. God forgave us and changed our status from enemy to sons and daughters, giving us peace with God. God is so pleased with the sacrifice of His Son He granted us forgiveness, reconciliation, and peace, and citizenship in the Kingdom of God (Rom 5:1). We no longer have to carry ourselves like one with no hope. We have Jesus, we have the good news, our life and our attitude should reflect our standing before God.

Psalms 37:11 says” that the meek shall inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace”. When a person that does not know Christ come into your presences and you are a friendly , and meek person they take ease sort of speak, they take down their guard . They notice something good and pleasant about you. They fill good being in your presence and is more than willing to hear what ever you have to say. If you have this type of  attitude God says that you will inherit the earth.

Are you tired of constantly being worn out and fed up with the type of life you are living. Do you feel as though you are at war with God and men ? Do you feel like the world is just closing in on you? Do you feel like you can do better? Finally do you no where you will be going when you die? This I can tell you , It is not over when you die. Don’t be fooled if you have not established a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, God consider you as a enemy. You can do better and God will help you. God love you and He want to help you. God love you so much that He gave His son as payment for the sins of the world, The only way you can take advantage of this sacrifice is that you believe that Jesus died on the cross for you. There is no other way. The instant that you believe you become a citizen of the kingdom of God and you shall inherit the earth. You will have peace with God, and man. God bless you

If this message concerning God’s blessings has helped you better understand what you need to put your life on the right track and you have made the decision to choose Christ Jesus, that is wonderful contact me let me know, Blog me tell me what you think.

Rev Reginald Stevens

[email protected]




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