You Are Blessed and you Don’t Know It.

                                                       March 19, 2017

                 You Are Blessed And Don’t  Know It

Hello my brothers and my friends, grace and peace to you In the name of God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. God has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Eph1:3). I thank God for the opportunity to share His word with you today concerning blessings. Lord open the hearts and minds of those reading this message and open their eyes of understanding, in Jesus name I pray Amen!   

 The word blessed mean happy. All Blessings ultimately come from God and are from outside or within, ourselves for  example the sun shine on the saved and the unsaved. It is the same with the air we breathe and the water we drink. These are things we take for granted, and certainly don't consider them to be blessings. These blessings are very necessary for our physical survival and comes from God. These blessings originate outside of ourselves. We should be rejoicing because God continues to supply these needs for every living creature  on earth. Consider what would happen if God decided to stop. These blessings are common to the world and is for everything that lives.

 Also from outside ourselves are those blessing that we     give to one another, such as gifts we give to each expressing our love. Out of compassion we bless those who we don't even know by helping them in their time of need. Blessing each other is wonderful because God want us to love one another, help one another, and care for one another. There is a  so called blessing that is counterfeit, it does not come from God. Its happiness is an illusion and has devastating consequences, these are curses in disguise of a blessing (Ps73:12). Let us not forget the Blessing of a wonderful marriage relationship.There is also those blessings that comes from within, for example  3Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:3). There comes a time when we take inventory of our life. If we are honest with our selves we won't like what we see. When we come face to face with the truth, we see how utterly unworthy ,undeserving, and totally depraved we are. We find ourselves trapped in a position that we are unable to get out of. We are sorrowful and realize that we are in need of a savior. We are poor in spirit and yet we are not complaining and blaming our condition on anyone other then ourselves. We know  we are deserving of the consequences.  We are perfectly willing to be content in this position if it be God's will for us. We seek to cast ourselves on the undeserved mercy of God. We see and acknowledge that we are weak and God is strong, God is great and we are mean, God is Holy and we are sinners, God is all and we are nothing, we are cruel and God is merciful. To be poor in spirit is to have a broken and contrite spirit seeking God's forgiveness as the publican (Luke 18:9-14).

   Even though we are poor in spirit and without hope and  without God in the world (Eph2:13). Our Great God has compassion on us and sent his Son as our savior, to pay the penalty we owe by dying on the cross for our sins. This is a blessing that has no equal in comparison. God also blessed us by opening  our eyes so that we can see our true condition, causing our hearts to break. In our sorrow, God hears our cry and give us Hope In Christ, and He placed  the kingdom of Heaven in our reach, to the praise of the glory of His  grace(Eph1:6a). 
All we have to do is Believe, that's it. Nothing else is acceptable.  16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God(John 3:16,18). My friends God love you and want you to receive this blessing, which is the most valuable blessing of all and it don't cost you anything, it's a gift. Without this blessing all other blessings might as well be counterfeit and worthless.

 Thank you my friends for reading this delineation of 
the most valuable blessing of all, everlasting life in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. If this article helped you to understand so that you can believe Contact me, let me Know, If you need more help to understand, Contact Me. Lets   reason with one another. 
Thank You
God Bless you
Rev. Reginald Stevens 
The Kingdom of Heaven is yours if you believe.
[email protected] 







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