Time To Call Jesus

Rev. Reginald Stevens

  Time To Make The Call

 9If you use your mouth to say, “Jesus is Lord,” and if you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from death, then you will be saved. 10We believe with our hearts, and so we are made right with God. And we use our mouths to say that we believe, and so we are saved. 11As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disappointed.”£ 12That Scripture says “anyone” because there is no difference between Jew and non-Jew. The same Lord is the Lord of all and gives many blessings to all who trust in him. 13The Scripture says, “Anyone who asks the Lord for help will be saved.”£(Rom 10:9-13)
Greetings friends, grace and peace to you in the name of   God our Father and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that it is amazing how God    designed us with a innate   knowledge and a driving  desire to learn about our environment,  where we  come from and the wonder of it all.
  God gave us this knowledge so that we can form our world view. This is important because we need to understand wherewe fit in relation to the world and the universe around us. From the time we began to ask questions of our parents    http://fromtimetoeternty.com/time-to-make-the-call
we began to form our world view. The most important concept of our world view is God. Where is God in relation to your world. Do God even exist in your world view? In regard to our human nature God created us with  the need to worship. He created us to worship Him. We all worship someone or    something. 
You may not worship God The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,  but you do worship. There come a time in life that we evaluate all of our experiences in life. momentarily we seem to become aware of our mortality. We want to know what happen to us when we die? Is our work good enough for God to allow us to go to heaven? After all isn't that where we all want to go? Of course it is. I can see the logic in that type 
of thinking. If I do good works and if my good work out weigh my evil work God is a just God and he will say  your good works has saved you come on in. Get rid of that type of 
thinking. It is your insurance policy guaranteeing that you will go to hell. God has Himself provided us with the directions we need to receive salvation. We all have to  come  the same way. God will not deviate from His plan, no exceptions.
Romans 10:9 says " if you confess with your mouth that     Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. Faith in the work of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for your sin, my sin, and sin of  every human being  on the face of the earth, under the earth, and  that hasn't even been born.
Praise the Lord!!!
   When you really believe something its in your 
heart, that which is in your heart comes forth from your   mouth. So you have to believe that Jesus
 Christ The Son of God Died on the cross for your sins and that God raised Him from the dead. If you make that confession you will be saved according to the scriptures. 
   On the day when God calls us home, you don't have
to be afraid that maybe God won't let you in. God
won't put you to shame and turn you away. your Race don't  matter, denomination don't matter, to God we are all the   same, and He is God and Lord of all. Remember this: Any one   that call on the name of the Lord will be saved.
God Bless you. 
Contact me tell me what you think.




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From Time To Eternity